Order of phoenix book publish date usa
Order of phoenix book publish date usa

order of phoenix book publish date usa

Naaey H %~OD m e born in Gslasna CQmty, Tern. Elizabeth Patsy Grayson ma the Qughter of William (\illis) Grayson of South ~ a r n b Who is listed as e ssldie~ of the Remlution, Joseph Grayson vho located near Stephens Cha~sl,nhere they later moved to Urion County, entertrg seventy awes of land, upon which Byron Hud~on family now ~esfdes, and there his death crccur~ed~nhfle his wife died on a fam near the Bwnette School heuse, ' Henry Orayson, the son of Joseph & Elizabeth Patsy Brazil Grayson me born in Anderson Countys Terno Nova 2, f799* He mmfed Nancy Hbmn Ssp%. Zosaph Grayson wass a DgMsh descent and a farmer and bbckdth by oecupatfon. ksoph & EUzabeL Patsy (~rad1)grapon livrd in Anderson Countys Tern. Grayson 28 Confederate Graysons Clifford 14allet-Prevost.36 Watch the Genealogy Helper for an advertisement from our Grayson Family Association looking fort family trees of Graysons to publish in the Newsletter.

order of phoenix book publish date usa

17 Salathiel Grayson John, William Grayson, Claude Albert Grayson 25.26,27 John H. Benjamin Grayson 12 Robert Ha Grayson 13 Grayson JLinton/Harr ison/~onroe 14 RebeccaGrayson Benjamin Grayson, sr., N,C. 2.3 Patrick Henry Grayson 4.5 Boone Grayson, Ben jamin 6 ' Mina Grayson Dykea 7-10 N.C. The book cannot be ordered after Hay 14 th so there is no possibility that any of you could order it in time, am out of material to publish: please send anything you have acquired lately, Contents : Henry Grayson pp. notified me about a forthcoming, book called the Grayson Family Heritage Book for $19.85, have ordered it and will publish any new material in the Newsletter. of the era, Counting myself that is 3 of us in the project, will choose a North Carolina genealogist in the next step of the project. , Clifford Grayson and Dorothy McCoy have sent money for the genealogy project on Benjamin Grayson of Wilkes county, N.C. 1 GRAYSON GENEALOGY NEWSLETTER VOL, 4, No.

Order of phoenix book publish date usa